Pengamatan atas Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia dalam Media Pers di Era Kekinian Fokus: Konotasi

  • Imam Mutasim SMA Negeri 6 Kota Malang
Keywords: use, Indonesian Language, press media, connotation


The world of the press as a language user to convey the news is very influential in providing information to the reading community. In fact, the press does not realize that the words used in their writing give rise to wrong perceptions by readers. This wrong perception is caused by the press not considering the words used. Is it in accordance with the context or the rules already meet the correct rules. The use of words that have connotations are often placed not in accordance with the context, or the press mistranslates spoken language into written language.


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How to Cite
Mutasim, I. (2022). Pengamatan atas Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia dalam Media Pers di Era Kekinian Fokus: Konotasi. Jurnal Likhitaprajna, 24(1), 51-59.