Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Berliterasi dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Jawa dapat Mengembangkan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa
Nowadays, more teenagers use Indonesian than Javanese, especially among students. This is caused by geographical factors, namely the location of schools located in urban areas. In addition, it is also caused by the habit of the students in using the language and the rapid progress of technology. Likewise, the use of the local language (Javanese) in community life is now decreasing. This right happened because the Javanese language as a communication tool for the community in its level does not pay attention to politeness/politeness which has become the rule, when speaking. It's like talking to older people who actually use high-class Javanese. For that reason, from not understanding Javanese manners, in the end, Indonesian is used as a communication tool when talking to parents. In fact, in this case, there are still many people who use Javanese language when talking to older people. Schools that accommodate have an important role in guiding how to speak Javanese correctly. Therefore, the school tries to carry out familiarization activities to get used to reading companion books or Javanese literature. The school's effort to implement this activity is to help students be able to speak Javanese correctly so that they can develop their speaking skills. The habit of reading Javanese language literature is one of the means for students to know, understand, and apply correct Javanese language habits. Meanwhile, this research aims to; describe reading habits, students' speaking ability in Javanese, and the impact of the habit of reading companion books/correct Javanese literature on students' speaking ability. The approach used in this research is qualitative with the object of Middle School students (SMP). While the method used is the method of observation, interview and documentation. The result of the research is that with the practice of reading companion books/literature within 15 minutes before the lesson starts, students have an improvement in developing their ability to speak using the Javanese language.
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