Pelabelan Super Graceful pada Graf B dan Graf serta Implementasinya pada Matlab

  • Ruvita Iffahtur Pertiwi Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: super graceful labeling, Graf B (m n k), Graf Pn (1 2 ... n)


Suppose G is a graph with vertices p dan edges q. Super graceful labeling is a one-to-one function maping on f:V(G) È E(G)  {1,2, … , p + q} such that f(uv) =  ½f(u) – f(v)½ differs for each edge uv ÃŽ E(G). A graph G  is called super graceful if it can be labeled according to the definition of super graceful labeling. The graph B(m,n,k) is a graph consisteing of a path graph of length k conneting the star graph K(1,m) and K(1,n) at the pendant ends. Meanwhile, the graph Pn(1,2,…,n) is a path graph of length by n combining each vertex on the path graph with edges  i to i members (1,2,…,n).  In this journal, it will be shown that graph B(m,n,k)  and graph Pn(1,2,…,n) are super graceful graphs.


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How to Cite
Pertiwi, R. (2024). Pelabelan Super Graceful pada Graf B dan Graf serta Implementasinya pada Matlab. Jurnal Likhitaprajna, 26(1), 29-39.